Financial, Fiscal and Taxes

financial, fiscal and tax.

With 85 tributes, Brazil has the most complex plot and one of the heaviest tax burdens on the planet. According to the World Bank study called Doing Business, we rank 129th out of 183 analyzed.

The voracity with which the State takes much of the competitive advantage of the companies that are installed here makes it impossible to internationalize Brazilian companies, receive foreign investments and stimulate national investments. On the other hand, Buenos Advogados has a department specialized in the Tax study, which helps clients to identify efficient tax strategies with the reduction of fiscal impact.

Administraition of Liabilities

* Compensation Options

Administrative Defense

As a matter of principle, Buenos Advogados aims at better management of resources. For this reason, we assist our clients in the inspection and inspection phases carried out by the certifying and fiscal entities, guiding the company in the correct supply of information so as not to generate fines for eventual inconsistencies or inconsistencies. In the administrative area, we developed administrative resources, advising the correct production of evidence to be made by the taxpayer seeking to resolve controversies and alternatives with the tax authorities.

Authorized Economic Operator

The Customs Express Dispatch is a special customs treatment for exporters and / or importers that operate with cargo volumes and high values (in the last fiscal year or in the last 12 months USD $ 10 million) in their operations. Those who meet the requirements will have their export and / or import operations directed to the green verification channel, as well as having express treatment in the customs clearance.

The Blue Line is a voluntary qualification process that aims at streamlining procedures to reduce logistics and inventory costs, as they have a special discount on the air fares at any air port managed by Infraero.

The choice of this special procedure forces companies (only those with shareholders' equity exceeding R $ 20 million) to refine their control processes in search of total efficiency and attempt to eliminate operational risks, thereby making them more competitive to the market global.

In order to make it possible to grant the benefit, Buenos Advogados assists in obtaining certifications. Through our audit, we guide you throughout the planning and execution process to enable the blue line.

Credit / Tax Referral Program (REFAZ / REFIS)

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Credit Recovery

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Customs Tax

Buenos Advogados serves national and foreign clients in matters related to foreign trade operations such as the incidence of direct and indirect taxes, transfer price and customs valuation. We present alternatives to reduce the tax burden in order to increase the competitiveness of companies in foreign trade. We also support tax planning and risk management associated with customs duties: drawback, green and yellow drawback, temporary export for passive processing, temporary importation, RECOF, free zone.

Evaluation of Opportunities and Tax Risk

With the constant evaluation of the opportunities and, safeguard against risks, the Good Lawyers aims to verify if the procedures hither to adopted your clients are in accordance with the applicable legislation. This makes it possible to redefine tax planning with possible changes in the structuring and / or reorganization of both the core and areas with the least impact on business.

The revision of the calculation bases is aimed at reducing taxation, enabling better management of resources and increased competitiveness. The evaluations of avors the anticipation of solutions if the reis a problem arising from the constant tax reform, and, in this way, is an effective way to prevent the unnecessary collection of taxes saving time and money in lawsuits.

Guidance on Sectoral Fiscal Benefits

The Tax area of Buenos Advogados knows the existing tax benefits and is always attentive to the creation, modification or extinction that the governments, in their three levels, are acting to encourage the most diverse sectors of the Brazilian economy.

International Operations

Buenos Aires Law Firm provides assistance in complying with the legislation in international operations, both commercial and financial, of individuals and legal entities, aiming at reducing the tax burden.

Transfer Price

In the cases of interpretative conflicts of norms, we advised the attendance of the Internal Revenue Service of Brazil regarding the application of the Arm's Length Principle, as well as the orientation of the administrative defense in a possible discussion on the subject.

Thin Captalization

Because this is a very new matter for operators and interpreters, many doubts surround operations where there is the possibility of Thin Capitalization. By being up to date with the norms that impact on the international operations that the professionals of the Good Lawyers show their best option.

International Tax

Buenos Advogados offers local and international advisory services to foreign companies in Brazil. We follow bilateral and multilateral agreements aimed at facilitating trade in the countries involved, as well as the possibility of applying rules that reduce the tax burden, in addition to those that avoid double taxation in investment transactions, transfer prices and transactions of the most Several.

We provide our assistants with the study and implementation of projects aimed at the creation of Joint Ventures, strategic alliance agreements and transfer of currency.

Investment and Tax Incentives

The specialists of Buenos Advogados can help your company by providing the following services: Structuring of project financing; Assistance in obtaining and restructuring tax incentives; Long-term financial planning; Raising funding for investment projects; Review of tax benefits.

Legal Advice

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Legal Opinion

Given the abundance of market forces and the unique features of your business, you will eventually need personalized advice and on-demand advice. In this sense, Buenos Advogados has professionals prepared to resolve issues that have at their core a complex interpretation of legislation, normative or customary instruction in Financial, Taxa nd Tax procedures.

Tax Advisory Service

The Tax Department of Buenos Advogados is able to provide permanent assistance to all commercial and industrial sectors, respecting their peculiarities. We guide our clients in the interpretation and correct application of the norms of all the taxes required by the legislation, with the purpose of minimizing the tax obligations.

Tax Planning

Tax adequacy with efficient planning serves as the perpetuating measure of the business. Tax planning is the activity that, in a preventive way, provides for, coordinates and projects acts and businesses with the purpose of determining the least costly means to carry out these same acts and business.

The tax planning consists of observing the pertinent legislation and opting, or not, for the occurrence of the generating event. It is a way of projecting data and thus determining results, which can be chosen to be realized, or not.

The reference question in terms of tax planning is undoubtedly the triggering event, followed by the tax savings arising from the law itself, or the gaps and gaps.